by Administrator | Nov 30, 2018 | Financial Risks in Divorce, Personal Divorce
As a general rule, assets that someone inherits during a marriage are deemed separate property. The beneficiary of the inheritance owns the assets outright, separate and distinct from the other spouse in the marriage. Therefore an inheritance may (key word) not be...
by Administrator | Nov 10, 2018 | Personal Divorce, Process Risks in Divorce
Many parents who have already been through a divorce do not want their ex-spouse’s last name associated to their child in any way. These parents do not want the last name announced in public, described in a written document or appear on a piece of mail in their...
by Administrator | Aug 15, 2018 | Personal Divorce
Being transparent feels unnatural to some and natural to others Transparency is a funny thing and can become quite uncomfortable if one or both parties do not comply. People become less transparent for a number of reasons such as when they: Truly want to hide...
by Administrator | Aug 15, 2018 | Personal Divorce
Some people remain separated for years and never get a divorce. Are there any risks with this approach? The answer is it depends. People in this situation get used to their “new normal” but are not aware there are risks with being separated and not getting a divorce....
by Administrator | Aug 15, 2018 | Personal Divorce
Commonly referred to as “Innocent Spouse and Separate Liability Relief” Imagine you just completed your divorce process. Then you get a notice from the IRS indicating you are liable for a tax debt that your spouse should have paid while you were married. Can you...
by Administrator | Aug 15, 2018 | Personal Divorce, Retirement Plans (QDROs) in Divorce
In order to properly manage the financial implications of a QDRO you need to involve a financial divorce expert in the process. Ideally you would involve a financial divorce architect as these professionals understand how the “divorce chess board” works, even if you...